Whenever we buy anything online, sometimes we have questions regarding website like, product delivery policy, normal time taken to deliver product or others. FAQ extension allow you to create a page where you can add answers to commonly asked questions regarding your website.
Whenever we buy anything online, sometimes we have questions regarding
website like, product delivery policy, normal time taken to deliver
product or others. FAQ extension allow you to create a page where you
can add answers to commonly asked questions regarding your website. This
extension extend way to show FAQ and allow facility to categorized FAQ
section. So customers can easily find answers of their question. Smart
FAQ Extension curated in professional way.
One Year Free installation support
Simple and Robust-installation
Easily manageable from admin
Beautiful user friendly UI
All theme compatible
Multi-Language compatible
Multi-Store compatible
Using own set of files, hence no core file change or overwritten
Ultra-light page load
Many other silent features
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to modulepoints@gmail.com