Permission file finder is a tool to find file when updating “Access Permission“and “Modify Permission” to each file or while adding new module. It is a tedious job to look for new file when there is multiple admin users and you want to restrict the access. This extension make this task easy for you and save your precious time. This is live search no Ajax means no load time to see results. As soon as you are, typing results are filters and matching words highlighted. If you reset or empty your search,it is revert to normal state. One Biggest advantage is there is no need to configure this module. Just enable "User Permission Finder" Mod. Refresh site modification cache and its start working.
Logged in as admin, Go to System > Users > User Groups edit group want. You can see input text near heading title.
Permission file finder is a tool to find file when updating “Access
Permission“and “Modify Permission” to each file or while adding new
module. It is a tedious job to look for new file when there is multiple
admin users and you want to restrict the access. This extension make
this task easy for you and save your precious time. This is live search
no Ajax means no load time to see results. As soon as you are, typing
results are filters and matching words highlighted. If you reset or
empty your search,it is revert to normal state. One Biggest advantage is
there is no need to configure this module. Just enable "User Permission
Finder" Mod. Refresh site modification cache and its start working.
Logged in as admin, Go to System > Users > User Groups edit group want. You can see input text near heading title.
Highlight matching keyword
No Ajax And No results pull from database
Blazing Search Results
Find new files when integrating new module
No need to mess when granting or revoking “Access Permission“ and “Modify Permission”
Fully Support with all browsers
Working in all OpenCart Versions
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to