Testimonials can also be used for store/site reviews
Display testimonials display or site reviews on your website, All visitor’s can write testimonial and admin can moderate before publishing it. To promote transformation leads, elevate visitor’s trust this plug-in is bet website.
Use this plug-in for harvest customer’s testimonials, store reviews for website, as a admin approve/disapprove or edit or delete any record with easy UI.
Display testimonials, store reviews as slider or simple list at home page by leveraging Opencart layout engine, means no coding skills requires for showing testimonials at website.
We follow best practice while developing any plug-in, regardless if it is Paid or Free plug-in, you’ll find quality code always, responsive designs best-fit for all screens: Large Screens, Desktop, Laptops, Tab Screen, Small (Mobile) Screen. Bootstrap framework ensures everything is pixel perfect.
Testimonials can also be used for store/site reviews
Display testimonials display or site reviews on your website, All visitor’s can write testimonial and admin can moderate before publishing it. To promote transformation leads, elevate visitor’s trust this plug-in is bet website.
Use this plug-in for harvest customer’s testimonials, store reviews for website, as a admin approve/disapprove or edit or delete any record with easy UI.
Display testimonials, store reviews as slider or simple list at home page by leveraging Opencart layout engine, means no coding skills requires for showing testimonials at website.
We follow best practice while developing any plug-in, regardless if it is Paid or Free plug-in, you’ll find quality code always, responsive designs best-fit for all screens: Large Screens, Desktop, Laptops, Tab Screen, Small (Mobile) Screen. Bootstrap framework ensures everything is pixel perfect.
Install plug-in with extension installer (no manual files upload) and it’s takes few minutes to configure the plug-in.
After installing ocmod.zip using Extension Installer
#1 Extensions > Modifications page and refresh modification cache
#2 Extensions > Modules and search for “Modulepoints: Testimonial – Settings” install if not then edit it. Save settings after you fill out necessary information.
#3 Extensions > Modules and search for “Modulepoints: Testimonial As Slider” install if not
#4 Extensions > Modules and search for “Modulepoints: Testimonials” install if not
From Admin panel manage all testimonials with dedicated page, to enable the page go to
System > Users > User Groups
Edit Administrator user group and look for files starting with “extension/mptestimonial”, check checkbox next to it for both Access, Modify permissions and update permissions by clicking Save button.
Example: extension/mptestimonial/mptestimonial
Display Anywhere in your store
Testimonials as Slider
Testimonial Listing Display Page
Customer Add Testimonial Page
Responsive Design
No change in core files
Admin Manageable Settings
Use OCMOD for core files modification
Best in class customer support
Quality code by professionals among market
Follow OpenCart code architecture
Simple module installation and enable/disable at anytime
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to modulepoints@gmail.com