This extension helps to interact your customers with the login and the registration forms. Login/Register/Forgot password/social login all is at one place with the single click at fingertips. This extension builds by understanding customers’ requirements and does not frustrate customer with reloading of the page repeatedly.
This extension helps to interact your customers with the login and the
registration forms. Login/Register/Forgot password/social login all is
at one place with the single click at fingertips. This extension builds
by understanding customers’ requirements and does not frustrate customer
with reloading of the page repeatedly. We also integrate social logins
like Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. Manage Modal Dialog fully from
admin, like an appearance of Modal dialog, Text colors, Button Colors,
Error Message Colors, Alert Message Colors, Button Color, Border Colors,
etc. Admin also has the ability to manage text of Modal Dialog and
Button text etc.
Make signup/login/Forgot password flow like breeze
Popular Social Media Google+, Facebook, Linked IN
Quick Ajax process to save your time and no reloading
Support OpenCart features like Multi-language & Multi-store
Easy and beautiful administrator UI
Manage Quick-Login/Signup modal dialog appearance from backend
Well organize documentation and presentation
Simple and easy installation
Quick & Reliable Supported
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to