For online store that having physical products to sell the Delivery play
vital role for a successful order completion to thrive business.
Efficient delivery ensure loyal customer base and recurring orders from
same customers,
For online store that having physical products to sell the Delivery play vital role for a successful order completion to thrive business. Efficient delivery ensure loyal customer base and recurring orders from same customers, it not only helpful to gain customer confidence but customers also become mouth of word advertisement, thus business gain new customers while retaining existing one. With help of Delivery Partner module store owner can easily assign orders to delivery agent and ensure quickest possible delivery of good at customer doorstep with low latency.
Delivery Agent, Delivery Boy, Delivery Partner, Delivery Delegate, Agent, Boy, Partner, Delegate refers to same identity.
Delivery Partners Login Information
# Abhey oswal
# Micheal ivan
# Rupinder kaur
* Simple UI for admin panel and delivery agent panel.
* Simple process, assign an order to agent then agent get notify via email and SMS.
* Delivery partner delivers order at customer location and get paid for successful delivery.
* Separate login panel for delivery partners (avoid confusion between customer login at website).
* Works out of box with all most Opencart themes.
* For serious business owners who can not compromise with latency in order delivery.
* Free module installation
* Excellent support team
* No configuration or additional step require
* Upload & go – no core file modification
* Quick installation using Extension Installer
* Delegates can manage their profile easily
* Delivery boy can print order invoice and shipping list for convenience
* Separate orders list page for agents
* Own dashboard page for delivery delegates
* Create/Manage delivery delegates (agent, boy) profiles from back-end
* Quick view for customer and delivery agent profile at commission page
* View list of all commissions information in admin panel
* Auto generate commission (order based) as soon as an item delivered
* Manage commission for each delivery agent
* Quick delivery status information for order assigned
* Email + SMS notification for customers and admin upon order deliver by partner
* Quick view of agent profile at order assign page
* Quick assign order to delivery boy or multiple orders to one delivery boy
* Email + SMS notifications for events like assign order to partner
* Ensure timely delivery of goods and track number of deliveries done by partners
* Add delivery partners for your business
No need to edit language files to adjust notification content, no buggy
short codes, no nonsense. Focus on your alert message content with use
short codes, for example: ORDER_ID, CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME,
Et cetera (ETC). Easy to use just enclose them with curly braces like
{order_id}. Omnichannel alerts system ensure low latency about alerts,
let’s say some times emails get delayed, whereas, SMS alerts are
instantons. WhatsApp alerts and Push Notification are future talks right
Needs to convey information to all delivery agents whenever they logged
into dashboard, then add notification text at header or footer which
later flash on every page for delivery boy panel.
For example: COVID-19 alerts, Upcoming events in business, etc.
Add delivery partners for your business
Ensure timely delivery of goods and track number of deliveries done by partners
Email + SMS notifications for events like assign order to partner
Quick assign order to delivery boy or multiple orders to one delivery boy
Quick view of agent profile at order assign page
Email + SMS notification for customers and admin upon order deliver by partner
Quick delivery status information for order assigned
Manage commission for each delivery agent
Auto generate commission (order based) as soon as an item delivered
View list of all commissions information in admin panel
Quick view for customer and delivery agent profile at commission page
Create/Manage delivery delegates (agent, boy) profiles from back-end
Own dashboard page for delivery delegates
Separate orders list page for agents
Delivery boy can print order invoice and shipping list for convenience
Delegates can manage their profile easily
Quick installation using Extension Installer
Upload & go – no core file modification
No configuration or additional step require
Excellent support team
Free module installation
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to