Safely migrate attribute groups data from 2.x to the latest Opencart
3.x, with help of efficient data match system management you can
Import/Export unlimited attribute groups without much issues.
Safely migrate attribute groups data from 2.x to the latest Opencart
3.x, with help of efficient data match system management you can
Import/Export unlimited attribute groups without much issues. This
module not only Import/Export default attribute groups fields data, it
do also detect additional columns present in attribute_group table.
Safely port data in multi language by creating separate excel sheet for
each language. With help of this module you can import data in popular
format (XLS, XLSX, CSV), export format also include two more formats
Import/Export unlimited attribute groups by preparing excel files
Manage column positions for export file
Detailed help section for each column at import page
Auto detect additional fields (columns) in database table
Familiar and easy format for data export/import (Excel Files)
Manage data match efficiently for import
Multiple filters to narrowing export data
Most reliable format and human readable format
Support Multilanguage Export/Import
Support Multistore Export/Import
Export all data at once or in multiple files by specifying start, end limit
Language specific Import/Export for multilanguage content to avoid frustration
Import image by providing either server path or HTTPS path
Before import process specify if update existing records or not
Select columns for import data
Quick installation using Extension Installer
Upload & go – no core file modification
No configuration or additional step require
Excellent support team
Free module installation
Work for Multi Language stores
Multi store environment credibility
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
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