This module will show you total price with product options you selected,
without adding product into cart. No need to do checkout step to see
how much price you need to pay when you are going to buy particular
This module will show you total price with product options you selected, without adding product into cart. No need to do checkout step to see how much price you need to pay when you are going to buy particular product. Product price update as options get selected and quantity update. Product price will update where regular product price is showing.
1. Price update according to selected options
2. Pulse Effect on Price Update
3. Tested, compatible and supported up to the latest version of Opencart
4. Easy to install
5. Quick Support
Monday - 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 6PM
Wednesday - 10AM - 6PM
Thursday - 10AM - 6PM
Friday - 10AM - 6PM
Saturday - Weekend Off
Sunday - Weekend Off
Business Working are according to INDIAN TIME (+5.30 IST)
For extension related support, please provide ORDER ID / INVOICE NUMBER in your email. Send email to